Web Development

How Node JS Bring Success to Your Online Business?

Why is NodeJS so Popular? Because it provides developers with an easy tool to develop even complex web applications with ease & efficiently. If you’ve ever worked on JavaScript, then […]

Why is NodeJS so Popular?

why is nodejs so popular

Because it provides developers with an easy tool to develop even complex web applications with ease & efficiently. If you’ve ever worked on JavaScript, then you would agree that Node.js is one of the best JavaScript platforms which is built on Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine.

In Node.js, you will have a real-time 2-way communication such as the flawless communication between server-side & client-side. It ultimately divides the workloads between a service provider that you know as a server & service request that you know as clients.

It is also a powerful, fast, efficient, and scalable web server. Some of the top app development companies use it for various security benefits. According to the Statista survey based on the most used libraries, frameworks, and tools among developers, 49.6% of respondents worldwide said that they use Node.js for web development.

Whereas some other statistical info suggests that it has around 3.5 million developers work with Node.js while there are 450,000 websites based the technology.

The Most Important Advantages Of Node Include

advantages of node

  • Node is perfect for micro-services which are a popular solution among enterprise applications.
  • It makes building real-time apps lightning fast (e.g. chat or gaming).
  • It increases the efficiency of the development process as it fills the gap between frontend and backend developers (more on this later).
  • The code executes faster than in any other language.
  • The ever-growing NPM (Node Package Manager) gives Hire NodeJS Developers multiple tools and modules to use, thus further boosting their productivity.
  • It makes coding in JavaScript for both the client and server-side possible.

# It’s Easy to Code

It’s very easy to learn node Node.JS, allows web developers to simply code in JavaScript for both server & client. Here JavaScript makes it convenient for transferring data between client and server that work well simultaneously.

# Fast & Easy to Use Suite

Node.JS is the fastest platform that runs on the Google V8 engine & it does not slow down the work. It allows the formation of a web application with features like file system, connections, writing in the database can be done quickly with the node.js platform. Today LinkedIn uses Node.JS to build various web applications for fast performance & less number of servers.

# Best for Developing Real-Time Web Apps

Node.JS is best for real-time web app creation at a light speed that is required for making simple blog sites in PHP, gaming apps, & chat apps so on. Here the event-driven architecture serves both the client & server-side written using JavaScript.

# Allow Data Streaming

A web developer can understand that HTTP request & response are two separate events. Here as the developer you can take amazing advantage of data stream like file processing at the time of loading & creating the best attributions and this will also reduce the duration of the data transmission process.

# Hosting

Today most of the web developers are moving towards Node.JS and so the demand for web hosting is increasing as per project requirement. PaaS service providers such as Modulus are allowing the deployment of node.js without creating any hurdle for your web hosting requirements.

# Dynamic NPM

Node.JS is one of the best open-source platform that provides cutting-edge performance with the shared repository of dynamic tools & modules. The NPM has more than 60,000 modules and its growth still increasing and soon estimated to surpass the ROR based platform.

# Useful for Clients

Of course, Node.JS has a core competencies but also serves as a large open-source community that delivers outstanding modules that work everywhere. Socket.io is one such module that maintains the constant communications between the client & the server, Also servers to send real-time updates to the clients.

# High-End Solution for Database Queries

The database queries such as MongoDB, CouchDB, and NoSQL database can be easily solved with the Node.JS development and works on the JavaScript framework.

When joining the Node.js and NoSQL databases there is also no need to modulate the syntax differences.

# Proxy Server

Generally, NodeJs Development Services offers the best solution for the proxy server. Suppose if there is a server-side application that deals with third-party links & collect data, save images & videos from various sources, here node.js work as a proxy for the company that does not have the proper infrastructure as per proxy requirements.

# Help Increase Productivity Standards

As we have already discussed above that Node.JS programs are developed using JavaScript that represents the gap between frontend & the backend developers. For removing this gap many SME’s web development companies are joining frontend & backend teams together into the same unit such as PayPal that has recently employed Node.JS development to build the app and now they are enjoying the smooth functioning of work.


From above its clear that NodeJS is the popular choice among the developers as they can simply create a dynamic web application. Developers can perform multitask and work as a full-stack development, front end development, & back end development. This is the beauty of Node.JS.

However, selecting the web development technology without going through its benefits for the projects may land you in a sea of confusion. Because one size does not fit all. Therefore, one development framework, library, or tool may fit for all projects. Looking for web app development for your next project? Visit Shiv Technolabs Pvt. Ltd. one of the top NodeJS Development Company.


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Written by

Dipen Majithiya

I am a proactive chief technology officer (CTO) of Shiv Technolabs. I have 10+ years of experience in eCommerce, mobile apps, and web development in the tech industry. I am Known for my strategic insight and have mastered core technical domains. I have empowered numerous business owners with bespoke solutions, fearlessly taking calculated risks and harnessing the latest technological advancements.